Brinks of Perception
19/11/2021 – 7/1/2022
Plato used the image of prisoners in a cave to define the basis of their reality through the shadows of fire, dancing on the walls of that cave, questioning and developing concepts of reality, representation, and human perception. Since then, our studies about how human perception works have made their own way to explain physical phenomena, as also to experience constant changes in the conditions of perceivability.
“The objective world is experienced as transcending the temporal and spatial limits of vision, as Persisting.”
(K. Duncker, Phenomenology and the epistemology of consciousness)
In this iconic affirmation, Duncker introduces a key-concept to understand the objective world formed by experiences – the concept of limit of perception. For example, when we have a perceptual experience of a certain object, we are aware, in our experience, of our contact limitations with this certain object. However, we can also experience this object ‘transcending’ these limits, as persisting beyond the limits of our perception.
The proposed dialogue’s aim is to show that the brinks, between what we consider to be real or imagined, may has fallen. Our minds have been colonised and manipulated for so long, that our transition to the digital era has been softly understood. We’re taking big steps towards digital and this path will require our perception’s education.
While Damjanski puts in perspective the viewer’s eyes and also its presence; Filippo Minelli’s works are chameleons, living in any public space around. Turned into chronicles, Gabe’s artworks have been recording the gradual evolution and the exigency of our modern culture; and Lauren Moffatt gives us access to the future reality, to which we’ll migrate with all our knowledge, concepts and purposes. To explore the boundaries of what our perception is, as well as the absence of it, we want to take this context of digital art to explore this friction feeling that we now have, as human beings living in a historical transition between world cycles.
Curated by Manuel S.Mendonça